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Publisher's Letter

Lordy Lordy, look who’s 40! That’s right, it’s me! I cannot believe I am officially a quadragenarian, which is apparently what they call those of us between the ages of 40 and 49. I guess I’m in the beginning stages of adulthood now, where metabolisms slow down, hair turns gray (or disappears entirely), and I’ll soon start using phrases like “back in my day.” Ah, the joys of becoming “wiser.” … Reaching 40 feels like crossing a bridge from youthful exuberance to moments of “Where did I put my reading glasses?” Suddenly, I notice mysterious aches and pains that seem to pop up out of nowhere.

From Pigskins to Beefmasters

photo by Matt Cornelius
Cobi Hamilton’s farm in Nash, Texas, is like driving up on a tiny slice of East Texas heaven. Observing the beauty of the wildflowers and the magnificence of the cattle is a mesmerizing experience. It is easy to see why, in a busy and complicated world, this is Hamilton’s oasis.

Goldcrest Farms

photos by Valmont
Not Your Everyday Farm In Miller County … Farming is a second language to some and a foreign affair to many. Whether familiar or foreign to local Texarkana residents, it might surprise many that one of the largest farms in the United States sits in our backyard. Located along the riverbanks of the Red River and Highway 82, just 28 miles from Texarkana, Arkansas, and Interstate 30, Goldcrest Farms covers 25,000 acres of Southwest Arkansas.

The Butterfly Effect

photos by Matt Cornelius
With summer quickly approaching and spring weather turning sunny and warm, parents are looking for fun and educational places to take their kids, and people are looking for inventive ways to spruce up their yards. The Little Country Greenhouse in New Boston, Texas, answers both inquiries perfectly.

Farm to Fork

photos by Matt Cornelius
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This has always been my favorite Maya Angelou quote, and it is the reason I create experiences for most meals I cook. You might be thinking, “I do not have the time to cook fabulous dishes with amazing experiences.” I would tell you that you do. As an entrepreneur, mom, and wife, I have learned to create delicious meals in no time.

Justin White

photo courtesy of Justin White
Justin White was born in Danbury, CT to his loving parents, Melodie and Mark White. The Whites moved to Texarkana early in Justin’s life, and Justin attended Wake Village Elementary, Texas Middle School, and graduated from Texas High School in 2013. After high school, White went to Stephen F. Austin University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in filmmaking. Upon graduation, White moved to Dallas, Texas, where he began his career in the film/television industry. White began working on commercials and concerts. In 2019, White worked on his first feature film Miss Juneteenth.

Make it Rein

photo by Matt Cornelius
Throughout history, cowboys have tended cattle beginning at sunrise and ended the day covered in dust from head to toe. The horses, though exhausted from the long day, would have gladly continued to ride the range. After a dinner around the campfire, cowboys and ranch hands longed for a hobby more entertaining than the monotony of the workday. … Putting their horsemanship to good use, these fun-loving cowboys invented their own kind of entertainment. They took the normal daily maneuvers of their horses and turned them into healthy competition.

Good Evening TXK

photo by Matt Cornelius
Why did the chicken cross the road? This may be the beginning of a joke with a million different punchlines, but it really got me thinking about opportunities. We all face pivotal points in our lives, running around like chickens with our heads cut off, trying to cross to the other side without giant mistakes. What if the answer to “Why did the chicken cross the road?” was to graduate from college? What if the chicken crossed the road to start over in a new city or build a new business?

My Drift

photo by Matt Cornelius
Hold the Phone … It was almost déjà vu. A homecoming event found me in the hallway of the sorority house where I had lived as a student fifteen years earlier. The sound of ringing telephones coming from every direction was familiar and brought back memories. There was, however, something new. … “Hi. You’ve reached Mindy and Jen. Leave us a message at the beep.” … Mind you, the answering machine itself was not novel to me. Our home phone had been monitored by one for years.

TXK 411

There’s no better way to fortify your garden while reducing your contribution to landfills than composting. Starting a compost pile can feel a little intimidating. Just remember to follow this simple equation... … CARBON + NITROGEN + OXYGEN + WATER + TIME = COMPOSTBOX SIZE … Aim for a box that is at least 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet. Start with a thick base layer of brown material, including sticks, twigs, wood chips, hay, or straw to promote air circulation. Then alternate layers of greens and browns, making sure to always have a layer of browns on top, to balance the moisture.

Showing: 131 to 140 of 773 (78 Pages)

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May 2024
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